2024, Santa Clara County, Reading/Writing, Elementary School, Funded Projects
Cadwallader School, San Jose Our team is committed to doing all we can to ensure that all our students are successful readers. We are setting out to transform our kinder-1st grade literacy program by doing a series of personalized professional development with The...
2024, San Francisco, Reading/Writing, Elementary School, Funded Projects
JOHN MUIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, SAN FRANCISCO This project serves to enhance our professional capacities as teachers by providing us with the requisite knowledge and skills to instruct emergent biliteracy students effectively. We will cultivate our content expertise...
Reading/Writing, 2024, Alameda County, Elementary School, Funded Projects
Manzanita SEED, Oakland We will reinvigorate SEED’s mission by designing Project-Based Learning units infused with best practices in Dual Language and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). The Units will incorporate reading, writing, math, language and...
2023, Marin County, STE(A)M, Middle School, Funded Projects
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academy, Sausalito Our project will serve teachers of students in a historically Black, disadvantaged, and low-income community facing severe environmental and social issues. This grant will fund an educational consultant skilled in the...
2023, Social & Emotional Learning, Alameda County, Elementary School, Funded Projects
William G. Paden Elementary School, Alameda Play theorist Brian Sutton-Smith concluded, ‘The opposite of play is not work–the opposite of play is depression.’ While research supports this, traditional schools continue to treat play as frivolous and double down...
2023, Yolo County, Reading/Writing, Elementary School, Funded Projects
PATWIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, DAVISBIRCH LANE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, DAVIS Two Team Members teach 5th grade at Patwin Elementary, one Team Member teaches 4th grade at Birch Lane Elementary, and one Team Member teaches 2nd grade at Pioneer Elementary. We aim to cultivate...