2023, Contra Costa County, STE(A)M, High School, Funded Projects
El Cerrito High, El Cerrito The project will help train teachers in how to implement a more rigorous math curriculum that will better prepare students for an advanced level of math. In addition, our team will find innovative ways to develop projects that make Geometry...
2023, San Mateo County, Interdisciplinary, High School, Funded Projects
Sequoia High School, Redwood City We are a team of interdisciplinary teachers committed to the equitable and engaging education of newcomer English learners. We seek to leverage our expertise as we create and implement Project Based Learning (PBL) units specifically...
Alameda County, Interdisciplinary, 2023, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Funded Projects
Maya Lin School, Alameda Wood Middle School, Alameda Island High School, Alameda We want to deepen our understanding of environmental justice, indigenous wisdom and creative practice, to better understand our world, and as educators advocate for just climate...
Language, San Francisco, 2023, Funded Projects
Buena Vista Horace Mann K-8 Community School, San Francisco Our project focuses on increasing our school community’s knowledge & abilities around best practices for teaching in a Spanish Dual Immersion (DI) program. Through study (common texts, conference...
Interdisciplinary, Alameda County, 2022, Middle School, Funded Projects
The Academy of Alameda, Alameda A team of seasoned teachers plans to foster greater passion and engagement in their classrooms by building a professional learning toolkit around Deeper Learning. By attending conferences and participating in site visits at schools with...
Interdisciplinary, 2022, Alameda County, Elementary School, Funded Projects
Schafer Park Elementary, Hayward This team of elementary school teachers wants to learn best practices in developing differentiated instruction to meet students at their current academic levels. With the pandemic widening gaps in competencies for students, these...