2023, Alameda County, Interdisciplinary, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Funded Projects
Maya Lin School, Alameda Wood Middle School, Alameda Island High School, Alameda We want to deepen our understanding of environmental justice, indigenous wisdom and creative practice, to better understand our world, and as educators advocate for just climate...
Interdisciplinary, Alameda County, 2022, Elementary School, Funded Projects
Schafer Park Elementary, Hayward This team of elementary school teachers wants to learn best practices in developing differentiated instruction to meet students at their current academic levels. With the pandemic widening gaps in competencies for students, these...
Interdisciplinary, Alameda County, 2022, Elementary School, Funded Projects
International Community School, Oakland This team of elementary educators will develop 4th and 5th grade Climate Change/Environmental Justice units that teach climate science grounded in the environmental justice concerns of their community. These units will integrate...
Interdisciplinary, San Francisco, 2022, Elementary School, Funded Projects
Dolores Huerta Elementary, San Francisco Six elementary school teachers will work with experts to enhance their knowledge of anti-racist, abolitionist pedagogy. The team will work with a racial equity coach, participate in school site visits, and attend professional...
Reading/Writing, Alameda County, 2021, Elementary School, Funded Projects
Longwood Elementary, Hayward Burbank Elementary, Hayward Schafer Park Elementary, Hayward This team of primary grade teachers strives to learn more about evidence-based best practices to support early reading acquisition for all students, including English Learners...
San Mateo County, Social & Emotional Learning, 2021, Elementary School, Middle School, Funded Projects
East Palo Alto Charter School, East Palo Alto This team of reading teachers has been teaching in East Palo Alto for 7-20 years, and they want to become conversationally fluent in Spanish. Team members will each complete an intensive program of online Spanish tutoring...