Interdisciplinary, Alameda County, 2018, Middle School, High School, Funded Projects
This team of six middle and high school teachers will systematically consider their students’ learning, with a structure of collegial discussion focused on data. As teachers, classroom time occurs rapidly with little time to think deeply.
Santa Clara County, 2018, Elementary School, STE(A)M, Funded Projects
This team of six elementary school teachers aims to change the way they teach math using the new NCTM effective teaching practices, and ultimately, to teach math in a more student-centered way.
2017, San Joaquin County, Elementary School, STE(A)M, Middle School, Funded Projects
Six experienced teachers at a transitional kindergarten through eigth grade school seek project-based enrichment for their at-risk students and English learners through the STEAM model, with an additional emphasis on literacy.
San Francisco, 2017, Interdisciplinary, Elementary School, Funded Projects
The five-member special education team will attend the 2018 Assistive Technology Industry Association Orlando Conference.
Interdisciplinary, 2017, Santa Clara County, High School, Funded Projects
An instructional support coach and five course team leaders from each of the core academic departments (history, English, math, world language) will receive on-site Professional Learning Community leadership training from Solution Tree.
Interdisciplinary, 2017, Santa Clara County, High School, Funded Projects
The team of six AP teachers seek to improve the AP culture and instruction on campus in service to greater equity of success for all students.