Interdisciplinary, Santa Clara County, 2019, Middle School, Funded Projects
This team of middle school teachers will collaborate with the Krause Center for Innovation to develop and pilot pathways for Project Based Learning (PBL)-based, technology enhanced electives and create curriculum for all students in media, technology, broadcasting, engineering, leadership, and visual art courses.
Reading/Writing, Santa Clara County, 2019, Elementary School, Funded Projects
This team of five elementary school teaches will learn and implement GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) strategies to build academic language and the ability to express learning through writing.
Language, Santa Clara County, 2019, High School, Funded Projects
Five high school world language teachers at schools across San Jose seek to train teachers in implementing the proficiency levels of language to better assess students and to use comprehensible input as the main method for teaching fluency.
San Mateo County, Reading/Writing, San Francisco, Santa Clara County, 2019, Elementary School, Funded Projects
This team of six teachers at 5 different school sites across the Bay Area aims to deepen teacher knowledge of digital literacy and adult learning while supporting each other in adapting instruction to support 21st century learning.
Interdisciplinary, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, 2018, High School, Funded Projects
The goal of these five high school teachers is to strengthen their school’s Advisory program.
Language, Santa Clara County, 2018, Elementary School, Funded Projects
This team of six experienced elementary school teachers will attend Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) training and learn innovative ways to build academic language and literacy.