Projects We’ve Funded
As of Spring 2024,we have supported the professional learning of over 500 Bay Area teachers as part of 105 funded projects.
Year Awarded
The Power of Play
William G. Paden Elementary School, Alameda Play theorist Brian Sutton-Smith concluded, ‘The opposite of play is not work–the opposite of play is depression.’ While research supports this, traditional schools continue to treat play as frivolous and double down on the pressure to raise students’ standardized test scores. Meanwhile, teachers are leaving the profession and students […]
READ MOREOur Changing Planet – Community of Practice
Maya Lin School, Alameda Wood Middle School, Alameda Island High School, Alameda We want to deepen our understanding of environmental justice, indigenous wisdom and creative practice, to better understand our world, and as educators advocate for just climate solutions. Working with local experts/organizations in our community, we will deepen our knowledge and our facilitation practices […]
READ MOREKnow Better, Do Better – The Science of Reading
Longwood Elementary, Hayward Burbank Elementary, Hayward Schafer Park Elementary, Hayward This team of primary grade teachers strives to learn more about evidence-based best practices to support early reading acquisition for all students, including English Learners and students with disabilities. By attending training sessions with a variety of professional development providers like The Reading League, as […]
READ MORELiteracy GLADiators
This team plans to empower their emerging multi-lingual students and teachers with powerful literacy instruction through neurology-based and culturally responsive language acquisition strategies.
READ MOREIntegrated Learning for Equity
This team will increase their learning and leadership skills with Arts Integration and Culturally Responsive Teaching in order to support growth and learning with colleagues throughout their district.
READ MOREFacing History’s Professional Learning Community for Ethnic Studies
- Alameda County
- San Mateo County
- Santa Clara County
- Social & Emotional Learning
- 2020
- High School
- Funded Projects
This team from across the Bay Area will launch a professional learning community focused on learning and growing in the area of Ethnic Studies.
READ MOREBuilding a Community of Literacy Leaders
This team of teachers plans to level up their existing Literacy Inquiry Group by attending literacy and EL trainings and partner with experts.
READ MOREBerkeley High School World Language Makeover
This team’s goal is to modernize their World Language Department by training in teaching strategies that focus on communication and meeting the national standards created by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL).
READ MOREAmplifying Student Voice: Developing Teachers to Support East Oakland’s Young Writers
This team will regularly meet with the Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP) coaches to design a project-based, action-oriented, writing curriculum that integrates expository, persuasive, and narrative writing into standards based social studies and science units.
READ MORERevving Up for Dual Immersion
This team of teachers at a newly Dual Immersion (DI) school will focus on teacher preparedness as their school transitions to be a DI program.
READ MOREIncreasing Access to AP Curriculum for Language Learners
This team of teachers aims to support the unique literacy needs of English Language Learners taking Advanced Placement classes by engaging English Language Development (ELD) experts. San Lorenzo High School, San Lorenzo
READ MOREDeepening Mathematical Practices and Improving Student Access to College Math
This team of six high school math teachers with a 100% English Learner population at their school are seeking to improve college math readiness in their school community.
READ MORERevolutionizing How Students Engage With Climate Change Education
These four high school teachers will develop climate change units through four disciplines (life science, earth science, chemistry, and physics).
READ MOREProject Based Learning to Improve Equity in Learning
Five middle school teachers endeavor to learn the skills for, gain exposure to, and create a sustainable culture for project-based learning at their school.
READ MORECycle of Inquiry Committee Looking Closely
This team of six middle and high school teachers will systematically consider their students’ learning, with a structure of collegial discussion focused on data. As teachers, classroom time occurs rapidly with little time to think deeply.
READ MORESpanish Teacher Professional Learning Community
The team of six elementary-level Spanish Dual Language teachers are pursuing professional development in second language acquisition.
The team of four elementary school professionals identified the need to create and maintain an embedded ELD program that is woven throughout their curriculum in order to support their 52%-ELL student population.
READ MORETransformational Teacher Mentoring
The team of five high school teachers and one middle school teacher at four schools across the Bay Area are part of the Trellis Mentor Fellowship, through which they have all made a five-year commitment to mentoring new teachers.
READ MOREProject Based Learning with a Maker Mindset
The team of four elementary school teachers will pilot a Project Based Learning (PBL)/Maker-Centered program.
READ MOREInterdisciplinary Real World Challenges
The team of four middle school teachers will work collaboratively on Project-Based Learning (PBL) techniques to address two pressing student needs: increase student readiness for Algebra 1 and improve English/Language Arts writing skills across subject areas.
READ MOREImproving Mathematical Literacy: School Wide, TK – 12
The team of five teachers, spanning elementary through high school, will engage in a two-year study around best practices to improve mathematical literacy.
READ MOREReading Lab Sites
The team of three elementary school teachers will conduct “job-embedded” professional development in the form of lab-sites (action research in the classroom during the course of an entire lesson) to help increase the effectiveness of classroom Reading Workshops.
READ MOREPeer Coaching: Using Video in Collaborative Inquiry Groups
Six full-time teachers will become facilitators of Collaborative Inquiry Groups (CIGs) aimed at improving literacy in all subject areas.
READ MOREInquiry into ELD
The team of three middle and three high school teachers will design and investigate their own inquiry questions on best practices in English language development.
READ MOREBlended Practices to Achieve a Project-Based Learning Culture
The six team members will pursue professional development opportunities in Blended Practices, with the objective of ensuring that students gain the technical and communication skills necessary for a rapidly changing workforce.
READ MOREDeepening Student Engagement: School Wide, K-12
The four-member teaching team, spanning first through tenth grade, will engage in a two-year study of best practices in student engagement.