Making ELD Hands-On for New Speakers of English
The team of six elementary school teachers at a newcomer school will be pursuing professional development to reinvigorate their teaching of English Language Development.
The team of six elementary school teachers at a newcomer school will be pursuing professional development to reinvigorate their teaching of English Language Development.
A team of four elementary school teachers will attend the Teachers College Reading Coaching Institute at Columbia University in order to build teacher leadership and strengthen school-wide implementation of Readers Workshop.
To prepare their World Language students to become global citizens in the 21st century, the team of five elementary and junior high school teachers strives to teach language in a way that the brain naturally learns.
The team of six elementary-level Spanish Dual Language teachers are pursuing professional development in second language acquisition.
The team of four elementary school professionals identified the need to create and maintain an embedded ELD program that is woven throughout their curriculum in order to support their 52%-ELL student population.
The team of five middle and high school music teachers will organize and take part in a twice-monthly Orchestral Methods class.