Projects We’ve Funded
As of Spring 2024,we have supported the professional learning of over 500 Bay Area teachers as part of 105 funded projects.
Year Awarded
Using Science and Social Justice to Raise Teaching Practice
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academy, Sausalito Our project will serve teachers of students in a historically Black, disadvantaged, and low-income community facing severe environmental and social issues. This grant will fund an educational consultant skilled in the Lesson Study collaborative approach to professional development to work with our team of passionate teachers at the […]
READ MOREThe Power of Play
William G. Paden Elementary School, Alameda Play theorist Brian Sutton-Smith concluded, ‘The opposite of play is not work–the opposite of play is depression.’ While research supports this, traditional schools continue to treat play as frivolous and double down on the pressure to raise students’ standardized test scores. Meanwhile, teachers are leaving the profession and students […]
READ MOREProject Based Geometry and The Trades
El Cerrito High, El Cerrito The project will help train teachers in how to implement a more rigorous math curriculum that will better prepare students for an advanced level of math. In addition, our team will find innovative ways to develop projects that make Geometry more relatable to the real world focusing on vocational careers. […]
READ MOREPBL for Newcomers: Language Development, Engagement and Empowerment
Sequoia High School, Redwood City We are a team of interdisciplinary teachers committed to the equitable and engaging education of newcomer English learners. We seek to leverage our expertise as we create and implement Project Based Learning (PBL) units specifically designed for our students. First, we will attend professional development workshops to establish a common […]
READ MOREOur Changing Planet – Community of Practice
Maya Lin School, Alameda Wood Middle School, Alameda Island High School, Alameda We want to deepen our understanding of environmental justice, indigenous wisdom and creative practice, to better understand our world, and as educators advocate for just climate solutions. Working with local experts/organizations in our community, we will deepen our knowledge and our facilitation practices […]
READ MOREEngaging Diverse Youth through Strong Dual Immersion
Buena Vista Horace Mann K-8 Community School, San Francisco Our project focuses on increasing our school community’s knowledge & abilities around best practices for teaching in a Spanish Dual Immersion (DI) program. Through study (common texts, conference presentations, school tours) & discussion, our grant team will become experts & will share their knowledge through a […]
READ MOREIgniting Educator Passion Through Service-Learning
Renaissance Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Social Justice, San Jose Renaissance Academy at Fischer, San Jose Renaissance Academy at Mathson, San Jose Six teachers across disciplines will cultivate a service-learning focus that can help them meet their academic goals and ignite their passions as educators towards addressing real community needs. Team members will work in […]
READ MORESchool of Environmental Leadership: Community Engagement – Climate Equity
Marin School of Environmental Leadership, San Rafael This team of high school teachers seek to learn how to teach through a racial justice lens using cutting edge instructional practices that promote inclusivity, social emotional learning for universal student thriving, and equity building with and centering local Indigenous, Latinx and Black climate-vulnerable communities. The team will […]
READ MOREOperation RISE Above
KIPP San Francisco College Preparatory At this team’s school, every staff member serves as an advisor to a cohort of 12-16 students (a ‘RISE’) from freshman year to graduation. The team of teachers plans to create a professional learning series that codifies the expectations and supports for teaching lessons during daily RISE time, mentoring advisees, […]
READ MOREKnow Better, Do Better – The Science of Reading
Longwood Elementary, Hayward Burbank Elementary, Hayward Schafer Park Elementary, Hayward This team of primary grade teachers strives to learn more about evidence-based best practices to support early reading acquisition for all students, including English Learners and students with disabilities. By attending training sessions with a variety of professional development providers like The Reading League, as […]
READ MOREInvestigating Illuminated Inequities as an Opportunity to Transform
Sherman Elementary School, San Francisco A team of six elementary school teachers will engage with professional learning provider Feathership to create a structure and space for an Equity Centered Professional Learning Community. Feathership will strategically partner with the team and facilitate monthly workshops on radical self-love and anti-racist leadership. Through its learnings, the team will […]
READ MOREImproving Instruction and Engagement through Spanish Professional Development
East Palo Alto Charter School, East Palo Alto This team of reading teachers has been teaching in East Palo Alto for 7-20 years, and they want to become conversationally fluent in Spanish. Team members will each complete an intensive program of online Spanish tutoring through Verbalicity and attend trainings by the Center for Applied Linguistics […]
READ MORESocial Justice and Empowerment Through Literacy and Dialogue in English Classes
This team to implement and improve curriculum in their English department to make it more relevant to 21st century notions of social justice and empowerment.
READ MOREMeaningful Integration of Special Needs Students in PE
This team plans to implement the Unified PE curriculum, bringing together special education and general education students in an atmosphere of inclusion and acceptance.
READ MORELiteracy GLADiators
This team plans to empower their emerging multi-lingual students and teachers with powerful literacy instruction through neurology-based and culturally responsive language acquisition strategies.
READ MOREIntegrated Learning for Equity
This team will increase their learning and leadership skills with Arts Integration and Culturally Responsive Teaching in order to support growth and learning with colleagues throughout their district.
READ MOREHigh School Teachers in Lodi Making Sense of Earth Science
This team will learn and adopt new Earth and Space Science content knowledge to support student success in next generation science classrooms.
READ MOREFacing History’s Professional Learning Community for Ethnic Studies
- San Mateo County
- 2020
- Social & Emotional Learning
- Santa Clara County
- Alameda County
- High School
- Funded Projects
This team from across the Bay Area will launch a professional learning community focused on learning and growing in the area of Ethnic Studies.
READ MOREEquitable Grading Strategies through Portfolio Projects
This team plans to build student-centered classrooms through relevant curriculum and equitable structures for student feedback.
READ MOREDeveloping Teacher Leaders for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
The team plans to study best practices for facilitating Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) with the goal having the same intentionality for educator staff meetings as the plans they make for their students.
READ MOREComplex Instruction at the International School of Monterey
This team plans to deepen their knowledge of effective teaching practices and, in the process, build the capacity of the math team to serve as peer coaches.
READ MOREBuilding a Community of Literacy Leaders
This team of teachers plans to level up their existing Literacy Inquiry Group by attending literacy and EL trainings and partner with experts.
READ MOREBerkeley High School World Language Makeover
This team’s goal is to modernize their World Language Department by training in teaching strategies that focus on communication and meeting the national standards created by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL).
READ MOREAmplifying Student Voice: Developing Teachers to Support East Oakland’s Young Writers
This team will regularly meet with the Bay Area Writing Project (BAWP) coaches to design a project-based, action-oriented, writing curriculum that integrates expository, persuasive, and narrative writing into standards based social studies and science units.
READ MOREWriting Achievement for All: A Path for 9th – 12th Grade
This team of high school English and social science teachers will integrate engaging, effective, grade-appropriate writing strategies in their curricula to create a pathway for lesson planning and instruction from 9th to 12th grade.
READ MORERevving Up for Dual Immersion
This team of teachers at a newly Dual Immersion (DI) school will focus on teacher preparedness as their school transitions to be a DI program.
READ MOREReading and Writing For Real – We Love Lucy!
The team of elementary school teachers will study with literacy advocate Lucy Calkins on how to bring rich, collaborative writing and reading workshops into their classrooms.
READ MOREPromoting Bilingualism and Biliteracy through DI in SCUSD
This team of elementary school teachers plans to expand their knowledge of best practices and structures for Dual Language (DI) Immersion programs as their site transitional bilingual program transitions to DI.
READ MOREPractical Skills to Develop Creative Interdisciplinary Literacy
This team of four teachers at a continuation high school plans to use interdisciplinary literacy skills to bring 21st century learning to their students.
READ MOREMath Teaching for Inquiry and Problem-Solving
The team of elementary school teachers will use inquiry to research, plan, teach, observe, and reflect on math lessons that they give in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade classrooms. Teachers will design curricula through this process, with continuous analysis and discussion to improve practices and outcomes.
READ MOREMaking Sense of SCIENCE with Earth Science Phenomena
This team of science teachers from across Manteca Unified School District aims to increase their knowledge of earth science content and training as their district adopts the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
READ MOREIncreasing Access to AP Curriculum for Language Learners
This team of teachers aims to support the unique literacy needs of English Language Learners taking Advanced Placement classes by engaging English Language Development (ELD) experts. San Lorenzo High School, San Lorenzo
READ MOREGraham Middle School STEAM Digital Heroes
This team of middle school teachers will collaborate with the Krause Center for Innovation to develop and pilot pathways for Project Based Learning (PBL)-based, technology enhanced electives and create curriculum for all students in media, technology, broadcasting, engineering, leadership, and visual art courses.
READ MOREGLAD Enhanced Project Based Learning
This team of five elementary school teaches will learn and implement GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) strategies to build academic language and the ability to express learning through writing.
READ MOREFluency First
Five high school world language teachers at schools across San Jose seek to train teachers in implementing the proficiency levels of language to better assess students and to use comprehensible input as the main method for teaching fluency.
READ MOREDeepening Mathematical Practices and Improving Student Access to College Math
This team of six high school math teachers with a 100% English Learner population at their school are seeking to improve college math readiness in their school community.
READ MOREContent Area Literacy in the Digital Age
- Reading/Writing
- San Francisco
- San Mateo County
- Santa Clara County
- 2019
- Elementary School
- Funded Projects
This team of six teachers at 5 different school sites across the Bay Area aims to deepen teacher knowledge of digital literacy and adult learning while supporting each other in adapting instruction to support 21st century learning.
READ MOREVertical Alignment of School-Wide Advisory Curriculum
The goal of these five high school teachers is to strengthen their school’s Advisory program.
READ MOREUpper Grade Writing Development
This team of four elementary school teachers hopes to implement skills and strategies learned at the Teachers College Writing Institute at Columbia University.
READ MORESi Se Puede: (Re)Building Community Through Teacher Development
This five-member Dual Immersion (DI) Leadership Team will attend a series of conferences/workshops and meet monthly to focus on professional readings, analyze teacher and student work, and develop tools and resources.
READ MORERevolutionizing How Students Engage With Climate Change Education
These four high school teachers will develop climate change units through four disciplines (life science, earth science, chemistry, and physics).
READ MOREProject Based Learning to Improve Equity in Learning
Five middle school teachers endeavor to learn the skills for, gain exposure to, and create a sustainable culture for project-based learning at their school.
READ MOREProject Based Learning to Develop Language Skills
This team of six elementary school teachers hopes to create a culture of Project Based Learning using open-ended and collaborative projects to increase student engagement and language skills.
READ MORELearning to be Glad
This team of six experienced elementary school teachers will attend Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) training and learn innovative ways to build academic language and literacy.
READ MORELeadership with Passion
This team of six high school teachers from Eastside Union High School District will finish the creation of a five year-long comprehensive A-G leadership courses, and strengthen their shared passion for being Leadership Teachers.
READ MOREImproving Personalized Learning: School-Wide, 4-8
The team of elementary and middle school educators aims to 1) create a cohort of faculty leaders to design and implement a personalized learning program to meet the needs of individual students, and 2) expand personalized learning to all classrooms within their school.
READ MORECycle of Inquiry Committee Looking Closely
This team of six middle and high school teachers will systematically consider their students’ learning, with a structure of collegial discussion focused on data. As teachers, classroom time occurs rapidly with little time to think deeply.
READ MORETeacher Learning Lab
This team of six elementary school teachers aims to change the way they teach math using the new NCTM effective teaching practices, and ultimately, to teach math in a more student-centered way.
Six experienced teachers at a transitional kindergarten through eigth grade school seek project-based enrichment for their at-risk students and English learners through the STEAM model, with an additional emphasis on literacy.
READ MOREAssistive Technology Team
The five-member special education team will attend the 2018 Assistive Technology Industry Association Orlando Conference.
READ MOREBuilding Teacher Leadership Capacity
An instructional support coach and five course team leaders from each of the core academic departments (history, English, math, world language) will receive on-site Professional Learning Community leadership training from Solution Tree.
READ MOREAP Success & Equity Project
The team of six AP teachers seek to improve the AP culture and instruction on campus in service to greater equity of success for all students.
READ MOREMathematics and Industry Curriculum Redesign
The team of five teachers in the high school math department seeks to authentically integrate career pathways into math curricula, fulfilling Common Core Standards while amplifying student engagement.
READ MOREMaking ELD Hands-On for New Speakers of English
The team of six elementary school teachers at a newcomer school will be pursuing professional development to reinvigorate their teaching of English Language Development.
READ MOREDeveloping Readers & Leaders in our School Community
A team of four elementary school teachers will attend the Teachers College Reading Coaching Institute at Columbia University in order to build teacher leadership and strengthen school-wide implementation of Readers Workshop.
READ MOREBringing World Languages Alive in Davis Joint Unified
To prepare their World Language students to become global citizens in the 21st century, the team of five elementary and junior high school teachers strives to teach language in a way that the brain naturally learns.
READ MORESpanish Teacher Professional Learning Community
The team of six elementary-level Spanish Dual Language teachers are pursuing professional development in second language acquisition.
The team of four elementary school professionals identified the need to create and maintain an embedded ELD program that is woven throughout their curriculum in order to support their 52%-ELL student population.
READ MOREOrchestra Teacher Professional Development
The team of five middle and high school music teachers will organize and take part in a twice-monthly Orchestral Methods class.
READ MORETransformational Teacher Mentoring
The team of five high school teachers and one middle school teacher at four schools across the Bay Area are part of the Trellis Mentor Fellowship, through which they have all made a five-year commitment to mentoring new teachers.
READ MOREProject Based Learning with a Maker Mindset
The team of four elementary school teachers will pilot a Project Based Learning (PBL)/Maker-Centered program.
READ MOREAlgeomulus Prep Academy
The team of five high school math teachers will design and develop a home grown project called “Algeomulus Prep Academy”, in which students work in collaborative groups to create math tutorial videos.
READ MOREInterdisciplinary Real World Challenges
The team of four middle school teachers will work collaboratively on Project-Based Learning (PBL) techniques to address two pressing student needs: increase student readiness for Algebra 1 and improve English/Language Arts writing skills across subject areas.
READ MORETeaching Garden
With professional development and technical assistance provided by Life Lab at University of California, Santa Cruz, the team of six elementary teachers will transform its school’s garden space into an inquiry-based teaching garden.
READ MOREImproving Mathematical Literacy: School Wide, TK – 12
The team of five teachers, spanning elementary through high school, will engage in a two-year study around best practices to improve mathematical literacy.
READ MOREBuilding NGSS Knowledge and STEM Education
As their school district moves towards adopting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the six member, K-5th grade teacher team will pursue professional development to transform their science and math instruction to help students develop a design thinking mindset.
READ MOREReader’s Workshop
Six teachers in grades three and four will deepen the implementation of the Reader’s Workshop (RW) model at their school.
READ MORECulture of Mindfulness
The team of five high school teachers, representing a variety of subject areas and grade levels, will participate in a series of mindfulness courses and retreats over the course of two years.
READ MORE“¡Adelante Juntos!” Developing a Dual Immersion Model in a Blended Program
The team of six, including elementary and middle school teachers and reading intervention specialists, will spearhead the re-envisioning of their school’s K-8 Spanish/English dual immersion program.
READ MORETaking Flight
The team of five elementary school teachers will develop vertically-aligned STEM Project Based Learning (PBL) units on a central theme: Flight.
READ MOREA Summer Prep Course for AP Students
Five teachers representing a wide range of subject areas are teaming to create an intensive summer “AP Bootcamp” to help prepare their students for success in their Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
READ MOREReading Lab Sites
The team of three elementary school teachers will conduct “job-embedded” professional development in the form of lab-sites (action research in the classroom during the course of an entire lesson) to help increase the effectiveness of classroom Reading Workshops.
READ MORESpanish for Native Speakers Professional Learning Community
The team of six Spanish language teachers currently teaches Spanish heritage speakers without the support of textbooks, networks or pedagogical training aligned with their student populations.
READ MOREPeer Coaching: Using Video in Collaborative Inquiry Groups
Six full-time teachers will become facilitators of Collaborative Inquiry Groups (CIGs) aimed at improving literacy in all subject areas.
READ MOREInquiry into ELD
The team of three middle and three high school teachers will design and investigate their own inquiry questions on best practices in English language development.
READ MORESTEM Writing Project
Five K-8 teachers will pursue STEM teacher professional development with a focus on experiential, project-based science education that will strengthen students’ writing proficiency.
READ MOREBlended Practices to Achieve a Project-Based Learning Culture
The six team members will pursue professional development opportunities in Blended Practices, with the objective of ensuring that students gain the technical and communication skills necessary for a rapidly changing workforce.
READ MOREDeepening Student Engagement: School Wide, K-12
The four-member teaching team, spanning first through tenth grade, will engage in a two-year study of best practices in student engagement.
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a four-year program dedicated to closing the achievement gap by providing underrepresented students with the support and tools needed to navigate through the rigor of A-G requirements and prepare them for college.
READ MOREWorld Language (Japanese)
The team of four Bay Area Japanese teachers seeks to invest in more productive networking circles to overcome the limitations of the typically small, “one-man-program” Japanese language departments in their schools.